Service Supplier Visa

What is a Service Supplier visa?

 A service supplier visa is a type of visa that allows you to provide services for a UK company under a valid international trade agreement. You must be an employee of an overseas business or a self-employed service provider based overseas, and have a certificate of sponsorship from your UK sponsor

What are the eligibility criteria for a Service Supplier Visa?

To be eligible for a Service Supplier visa, applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • be a current employee of an overseas company that has a high-value contract with their UK sponsor approved by Home Office;
  • have a ‘certificate of sponsorship’ from the sponsor explaining the work applicant will be doing in the UK;
  • have worked for overseas employer for at least 12 months outside the UK;
  • do a job that is on the list of qualified jobs.

How long can I stay in the UK on a Service Supplier visa?

You can stay in the UK for 6 or 12 months depending on the trade agreement you’re providing services under. The maximum you can stay on this visa is 5 years in any 6 year period. You can apply to extend or switch your visa if you meet the requirements.

How do I apply for a Service Supplier visa?

You must apply online, prove your identity and provide your documents, and pay the visa fee. You can apply up to 3 months before the day you are due to start work in the UK.

What are the benefits of a Service Supplier visa?

The benefits are that you can bring your partner and children with you as your dependants, and apply to settle permanently in the UK if you’re eligible

What are the restrictions of a Service Supplier visa?

The restrictions are: you cannot change your job or employer without updating your visa, or access public funds or services.

What are the documents required for applying for a Service Supplier visa?

The documents required for applying for a Service Supplier visa are:

  • a certificate of sponsorship from your UK sponsor,
  • proof of your identity,
  • proof of your work experience or professional experience, and
  • proof of your eligible job.

How much is the visa fee for a Service Supplier visa?

The visa fee for a Service Supplier visa is £610 if you’re outside the UK or £704 if you’re inside the UK. You may also need to pay the immigration health surcharge and the biometric enrolment fee.

Get the best Immigration advice on successfully getting a Service Supplier visa

Morgan Smith Immigration have successfully delivered Service Supplier Visa to all of our Clients. We review each case on an individual basis and tailor our immigration advice per case. Request a Call back by filling in the form below for quick assessment of your case.

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What are some reasons your Service Supplier visa application is refused?

An application for a UK Global Business Mobility – Service Supplier Visa may be refused if there are substantial grounds to believe that the role, they are being sponsored for does not genuinely exist, is fake, or has been created solely for the purpose of the visa application.

Can a refused Service Supplier visa application be appealed?

If an applicant’s application for a Service Supplier visa is denied by the Home Office UKVI, they can request an Administrative Review.

Is it possible to switch into Service Supplier visa?

If you are already in the UK under a different visa category, you may be able to apply to switch to a Service Supplier Visa as long as you meet the eligibility criteria. If you switch your visa, your partner’s or child’s visa would not automatically change to the new one.

Is it possible to switch from a Student visa to a Service Supplier visa?

If you are in the UK on a Student visa and wish to transition to a Service Supplier Visa, you’ll need to satisfy the eligibility criteria, which include the following: Successful completion of the sponsored course, and work start date is after your course; and minimum of 24 months of studying for a PhD.

Which visa categories are not allowed to switch to the Service Supplier visa?

If you are currently in the UK, you cannot switch to this visa: on a visit visa, on a short-term student visa, on a Parent of a Child Student visa on a seasonal worker visa, on a domestic worker in a private household and visa on immigration bail because you were granted permission to remain outside of immigration rules, such as on compassionate grounds.

If you fall into one of these categories, you must leave the UK and apply for a Service Supplier Visa from abroad.

How can Morgan Smith Immigration help me with a Service Supplier Visa?

A Service Supplier Visa requires extensive review of the circumstances surrounding the applicant. A small error with the structure of the case could lead to a visa refusal. Our Lawyers can simplify the complex procedure by providing tailored immigration advice, secure a successful outcome for your Service Supplier Visa.

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